F0103820 Numbers: F0103820 Membership type: Fellow Surname: LO Given Name: Kai Chung, Thomas Specialty: Independent Financial Adviser, Professional Accountant Company: Fok Ying Tung Group Phone: 97702026 E-Mail: thomaskclo@netvigator.com Academic Qualification: MBA, PGDipM, GDipFinPlanning, B.Com, Chartered Marketer Professional Qualification: FCA, FCPA, FCMA, CGMA, FCIS, FCS, CGP, FHKICPA, FHKRFP, FFIN, MCIM Description: Senior financial and accounting professional with over 45 years versatile senior management experience in China, Hong Kong, South East Asia, and Australia petroleum, property development, apparel, and financing industries 相關