
1. 有關客戶盡職審查的監管規定和注意事項 2. 透過遙距程序與個人客戶建立業務關係




Related Association:

證券及期貨事務監察委員會 (SFC)



Date: 30 December 2020 (Wednesday)

Time:  17:00 pm – 18:00 pm

加入 Zoom Meeting link :

會議 ID: 883 3302 7986


Language: Cantonese

On line Registration: Click here


How to Walk Away from “Green Wash”?


Mr. Dennis Wu is the Vice Chairman and Executive Director of AEC Group (Stock Code#8320) mainly focusing on Green and Healthy Buildings, Environmental Consultancy and Sustainability Advisory.  Mr. Wu is also the Founder and CEO of AEC Capital Group focusing on sustainable finance, real estate and investment management.

Mr. Wu has 20 years of experience in finance industry, Mr. Wu worked in the Assurance and Business Advisory Services Department – Financial Institution Group of Arthur Andersen and PricewaterhouseCoopers in early 2000.  Then, he worked for CITIC Capital Group focusing on alternative asset management including private equity, real estate, mezzanine, venture capital and marketable securities for 17 years since 2003. During his career in CITIC Capital, Mr. Wu had appointed as Executive Director for Finance Department, Principle Investment Department and Culture and Tourism Department respectively.   He is a director of Hong Kong Private Equity Finance Association (“HKPEFA”) which aims to promote the private equity and venture capital industry in Hong Kong.  He is also one of the admission panel members of the Incubation Program of Hong Kong Science and Technology Park (“HKSTP”).

Mr. Wu graduated from the University of Southern California in the United States with a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration, majoring in Finance, in December 1996. He obtained a master degree of Accountancy from The Chinese University of Hong Kong in November 2001.  In November 2020, he completed the Sustainable Finance Course from University of Cambridge.

Time:  17:00 pm – 18:00 pm

Date: 23 December 2020 (Wednesday)

加入 Zoom Meeting link :

Meeting ID : 869 0589 1924

Password : 621375

Language: Cantonese

On line Registration: Click here



前言: 特首施政報告有不少針對大力支持香港金融發展,內地政策支持,包括大灣區個人理財$100萬元自由出入,家族辦公室的定位、保險理財、上市融資、會計行業等,香港人到底如何迎接這些商機,如何佈處呢?對於金融行業的就業前景、從業人員的機會又是如何呢?讓不同嘉賓爲大家分享。

分享嘉賓 :

  1. 朱維鵬先生——香港財務顧問協會會長、香港證券及期貨業專業總會顧問,果樹集團創辦人、業務橫跨香港、橫琴和澳門。將闡釋香港配合大灣區的金融發展路向和商機。
  2. 黃敏碩先生——註冊財務策劃師協會會長,著名財經分析師,寶鉅證劵董事及首席投資總監,被不同電子及文字媒體訪問,投資方向精僻。
  3. 梁永忠博士——英國華威大學博士,為超過50家企業提供顧問服務,幫助企業推行有效「企業管冶」策劃,制定持續增長策略和組織轉型變革。在2019及2020年度,分別協助企業客戶獲得香港董事學會的「傑出董事獎」,表楊在推行「企業管冶」上達到高水平的表現。在新施政報告中,企業應該如何對未來發展作出部署呢?讓梁博士為大家分析和建議吧!
  4. 張新彬先生——資深會計師、特許稅務師,名策會計師事務所和名策集團創辦人及集團董事長,香港環境師學會-深圳分會主席。在會計、稅務、私募基金、房地產和餐飲業逾30多年經驗。他會分享會計師在新政策下的商機,會計界應該如何準備?


時間 : 12:30 pm – 14:00 pm

日期: 2020年12月08日 (星期二)

Zoom Meeting Link :

會議ID:869 3957 7568


Language: Cantonese

On line Registration: Click here


Topic content:

  • 環球市場波動,如何部署科技板塊?
  •  提供中、港、美股及黃金市場分析及投資策略
  •  如何靈活運用ETF及槓桿反向產品作投資部署


Miss Barbara Lee  李溢琳小姐 – 南方東英資產管理ETF及指數策略部擔任ETF策略師

Time: 18:30 – 20:00

Zoom Meeting  Link :

Meeting ID : 924 3062 1393

Language: Cantonese

On line Registration: Click here

Latest Developments in Virtual Banks

Topic content:

The arrival of the 8 Virtual Banks in Hong Kong opened up a new era in the banking industry. The seminar will cover the underlying policy framework as well as the new players’ strategies and customer segmentation.  We will look at various Virtual Bank models in Hong Kong and lead towards an in-depth discussion on:

  • forecasting the impacts on the traditional banking industry
  • possible action plans each of the players will undertake as the market transforms and reacts to their presence
  • future trends on banking in Hong Kong


Mr. Raymond CHAN, CFT, FHKRFP  陳頴峯先生

Managing Director of a NASDAQ-listed Leading Chinese Fintech Company

HKU SPACE Part-time Teacher

Time: 18:30 – 20:00

Date: 24 September 2020 (Thursday)

Zoom Meeting  Link: /92455642227

Meeting ID : 92455642227

Language: Cantonese

On line Registration: Click here



Topic content:

「全球化」(Globalization) 劃時代的理論於1983年面世,由Theodore Levitt教授在美國「哈佛商業評論」(Harvard Business Review) 率先發表。 進入二十一 世紀,這名詞仍常常掛在政治人物、商業企業、學者的口邊,「全球化」是未來20年重塑世界的主要趨勢之一。光陰似箭,歲月如梭,三十年後全球百大市值企業盡是跨國企業,他們當時得令的產品或服務,覆蓋了全世畀。「全球化發展」成了企業首席執行官的坐右銘,成功的例子,包括蘋果的 i-Phone、VISA信用咭等。
百大企業中有很多鮮為人知的行業冠軍,他們在極端情況下生產一系列狹隘的產品 ,有時甚至祗有一種產品,持續保持領先地位,不但內銷成功,也非常重視出口,是各自行業的世界領導者,企業的成就同時造就了國家或區域經濟的獨特優勢,低調的作風,往往只有業內人士才知道它們的存在。例子有德彩(Tetra) 的魚糧是水族箱和池塘養殖業的一哥,市佔率是第二名的3.6倍;傑里茨 (Gerriets) 是全球唯一生產舞台布幕的製造商,市佔率是100%。


Mr. Chester CHU 朱維鵬先生

Vice President of Society Financial Planners

President of The Hong Kong Association of Financial Advisors.

Time: 18:30 – 20:00

Date: 24 August 2020 (Monday)

Zoom Meeting  Link:

Meeting ID : 917 7204 9160

Language: Cantonese

On line Registration: Click here



Topic content:



Mr. Michael Wong 黃敏碩先生 -註冊財務策劃師協會會長

Date: 23 June 2020 (Tuesday)

Time: 16:15 – 17:30

Zoom Meeting  Link:

Meeting ID : 827 5426 7592

Language: Cantonese

On line Registration: Click here


獨角獸的陰暗面 Dark Side of Unicorn (II) 之重塑世界的趨勢 Trends that Reshape the World

Topic content:

  • Mckinsey 的四大力量 (Mckinsey Global Institute’s 4 Global Forces)
  • James Canton 的十大趨勢 (Institute of Global Future’s 10 Top Trends)
  • 對中國和香港最有影響的趨勢



Mr. Chester CHU  朱維鵬先生

President of The Hong Kong Association of Financial Advisors

Vice President of Society of registered Financial Planners

Chief Executive Officer of Fruit Tree Group


Date: 1 June 2020 (Monday)

Time: 12:00 – 14:00

Zoom Meeting  Link:

Meeting ID : 857 0377 3024

Language: Cantonese

On line Registration: Click here

支持/協辦: 世界自由工作者聯盟,果樹集團,註冊財務策劃師協會,澳門中小企業聯合會,華人內部審計師公會(ACIA),香港註冊合規師公會(ICO),大灣區工商聯,香港中小企國際聯盟海外投資委員會,香港公民協會中小企委員會,  香港財務顧問協会

2020 金鼠年投資部署分析

Topic content:

  • 金鼠年環球投資資產配置建議 
  • 上半年中港股市走勢預測
  • 新舊經濟股份板塊檢閱剖析
  • 貿戰大選政經因素對後市風險影响


Mr. Michael Wong 黃敏碩先生 -註冊財務策劃師協會會長

Date: 17 February 2020 (Monday)

Time: 19:00 – 21:00

Venue: H6 Multi Function Room B, E,  & F Ground Floor The Center, 99 Queen’s Road Central, Hong Kong.

Language: Cantonese

Fee: HKRFP members – free.

Supporting Organization members $100

Non-members $300

On line Registration: Click here