

前言: 改革開放後,國家提供政策容許内地企業來香港開發公司融資,上市,開拓海外市場,是如何做到?到底香港能爲國内企業做甚麽呢?讓香港的專家為大家分享和解答!此外,内地遇到的困難我們也希望進行討論和分析香港可能的解決方案,歡迎内地工商界提出,座談會後可以針對性協助探討,讓香港成爲内地企業的證券部及顧問團。

分享嘉賓 : 

嘉賓簡介 : 分享內容 :
1.     朱維鵬先生

–        香港財務顧問協會會長、註冊財務策劃師協會副會長

–        併購交易師,公共、財務、管理會計師

–        果樹集團執行官,香港証監會(SFC) 1,4,6號持牌人


–      金融業「全球化」助長了金融市場自由化的發展 

–       香港擁有多元化的核心價值和優良的政治地位

–       證券市場的商機湧現

2.     張新彬先生

–        大中華傑出青年企業家、香港環境師學會深圳分會主席、香港閩西聯會副會長、深圳外商投資企業協會副會長

–        資深國際、公共、財務會計師、特許稅務師、企業醫生、英國執業會計師、內部審計師、環境師

–        名策會計師事務所和名策集團創辦人及集團董事長


–        賬務梳理的重要性

–        設定企業會計及內控制度及規章

–        梳理境內、外的資產

–        稅務整理和規劃


3.     梁浩銘先生

–  資深香港會計師、英格蘭及威爾斯特許會計師

–  香港証監會(SFC) 6 號持牌人及香港上市保薦人

–  浤博资本有限公司聯合創始人及董事總經理  


–        企業於香港上市的要求

–        香港上市/ IPO 的主要流程及實務經驗

4.     胡伯杰先生

–        現任香港上市公司沛然環境(8329HK)主席/執行官

–        曾任中信資本執行董事17

–        香港私募股權投資協會(HKPEFA)董事

–        綠色資金(Green Finance)

–        ESG(環境社會管治)

–        資本市場趨勢


日期: 2021年03月19日 (星期五)

時間 :  3:30PM – 5:30PM

Zoom Meeting Link:

會議ID:818 8512 3488


Language: Cantonese

On line Registration: Click here

新冠疫苗露曙光 – 繼續擁抱新經濟vs重投舊經濟懷抱?

Topic content: 

– 隨疫苗利好消息帶動,環球股市板塊出現輪動,舊經濟股(價值股)的抬頭會否導致新經濟股(增長股)面對較大拋壓?

– 本研討會將分析美國及全球歷來增長股和價值股的表現,並講解不同中國主題ETF的增長潛力。讓大家了解大市走勢,做好資產配置和學習如何運用ETF捕捉跑贏大市的機會。


Mr. Stephen Chung 鍾駿先生 – Global X ETF銷售副總裁

Date: 24 February 2021 (Wednesday) 

Time: 18:30 – 20:00

Zoom Meeting  Link:

Meeting ID : 964 6357 6504

Language: Cantonese

On line Registration: Click here


Connecting Investors and Investment Manager through Sustainable Development Goals (”SDGs”) and Climate Change Risk Disclosures


Mr. Dennis Wu is the Vice Chairman and Executive Director of AEC Group (Stock Code#8320) mainly focusing on Green and Healthy Buildings, Environmental Consultancy and Sustainability Advisory.  Mr. Wu is also the Founder and CEO of AEC Capital Group focusing on sustainable finance, real estate and investment management.

Mr. Wu has 20 years of experience in finance industry, Mr. Wu worked in the Assurance and Business Advisory Services Department – Financial Institution Group of Arthur Andersen and PricewaterhouseCoopers in early 2000.  Then, he worked for CITIC Capital Group focusing on alternative asset management including private equity, real estate, mezzanine, venture capital and marketable securities for 17 years since 2003. During his career in CITIC Capital, Mr. Wu had appointed as Executive Director for Finance Department, Principle Investment Department and Culture and Tourism Department respectively.   He is a director of Hong Kong Private Equity Finance Association (“HKPEFA”) which aims to promote the private equity and venture capital industry in Hong Kong.  He is also one of the admission panel members of the Incubation Program of Hong Kong Science and Technology Park (“HKSTP”).

Mr. Wu graduated from the University of Southern California in the United States with a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration, majoring in Finance, in December 1996. He obtained a master degree of Accountancy from The Chinese University of Hong Kong in November 2001.  In November 2020, he completed the Sustainable Finance Course from University of Cambridge.

Date: 27 January 2021 (Wednesday)

Time:  17:00 pm – 18:00 pm

加入 Zoom Meeting link :

Meeting ID : 841 9589 7605

Password : 473008

Language: Cantonese

On line Registration: Click here

How “Social” of ESG Change influence Investment Decision


Mr. Chu Wai Pang, Chester朱維鵬先生

President of The Hong Kong Association of Financial Advisors Ltd.

Vice President of Society of Registered Financial Planners

Member of Dashun Foundation Think Tank

Chief Executive Officer of Fruit Tree Group


Content :

ESG(Environmental, Social, Governance)代表「環境、社會、企業管治」,ESG投資概念盛行,可持續發展投資,怎能缺少Social「社會」的考慮,朱先生將演譯世界和香港面對的「社會」改變和趨勢,投資者作出投資決策時應慎重考慮,內容包括:

The Third Pillar(第三支柱),The Elements of Value Pyramid(價值要素),Populist(民粹主義),Social Movement(社會運動),Broken Windows Theory(破窗理論),Lucifer Effect(路西法效應),Crowd(烏合之眾),Fixing Broken Windows Theory(補窗理論)。

Date: 2o January 2021 (Wednesday)

Time:  17:00 pm – 18:30 pm

加入 Zoom Meeting link:

會議 ID: 838 9272 8784


Language: Cantonese

On line Registration: Click here



AFF Asian Financial Forum Online 18-19 January 2021

AFF, as Asia’s premier forum for global leaders in government, finance and business to gather at the beginning of each year, will examine the challenges at hand brought by COVID-19, geopolitical tensions etc., and strategies to recovery and beyond.  HKTDC are glad to offer a discount code (MSE204) to the HKRFP member whom can purchase a 2-day Full Pass at USD100/ HKD780 (original price USD1,400/ HKD11,000).  To accommodate with the different time zones across continents, HKTDC have extended the AFF 2021 agenda and our programme will run from approximately 0830 to 2300 (GMT+8) each day.  Your contacts may redeem a discounted ticket by 8 January, 2021 at our registration system:

1. 有關客戶盡職審查的監管規定和注意事項 2. 透過遙距程序與個人客戶建立業務關係




Related Association:

證券及期貨事務監察委員會 (SFC)



Date: 30 December 2020 (Wednesday)

Time:  17:00 pm – 18:00 pm

加入 Zoom Meeting link :

會議 ID: 883 3302 7986


Language: Cantonese

On line Registration: Click here


How to Walk Away from “Green Wash”?


Mr. Dennis Wu is the Vice Chairman and Executive Director of AEC Group (Stock Code#8320) mainly focusing on Green and Healthy Buildings, Environmental Consultancy and Sustainability Advisory.  Mr. Wu is also the Founder and CEO of AEC Capital Group focusing on sustainable finance, real estate and investment management.

Mr. Wu has 20 years of experience in finance industry, Mr. Wu worked in the Assurance and Business Advisory Services Department – Financial Institution Group of Arthur Andersen and PricewaterhouseCoopers in early 2000.  Then, he worked for CITIC Capital Group focusing on alternative asset management including private equity, real estate, mezzanine, venture capital and marketable securities for 17 years since 2003. During his career in CITIC Capital, Mr. Wu had appointed as Executive Director for Finance Department, Principle Investment Department and Culture and Tourism Department respectively.   He is a director of Hong Kong Private Equity Finance Association (“HKPEFA”) which aims to promote the private equity and venture capital industry in Hong Kong.  He is also one of the admission panel members of the Incubation Program of Hong Kong Science and Technology Park (“HKSTP”).

Mr. Wu graduated from the University of Southern California in the United States with a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration, majoring in Finance, in December 1996. He obtained a master degree of Accountancy from The Chinese University of Hong Kong in November 2001.  In November 2020, he completed the Sustainable Finance Course from University of Cambridge.

Time:  17:00 pm – 18:00 pm

Date: 23 December 2020 (Wednesday)

加入 Zoom Meeting link :

Meeting ID : 869 0589 1924

Password : 621375

Language: Cantonese

On line Registration: Click here



前言: 特首施政報告有不少針對大力支持香港金融發展,內地政策支持,包括大灣區個人理財$100萬元自由出入,家族辦公室的定位、保險理財、上市融資、會計行業等,香港人到底如何迎接這些商機,如何佈處呢?對於金融行業的就業前景、從業人員的機會又是如何呢?讓不同嘉賓爲大家分享。

分享嘉賓 :

  1. 朱維鵬先生——香港財務顧問協會會長、香港證券及期貨業專業總會顧問,果樹集團創辦人、業務橫跨香港、橫琴和澳門。將闡釋香港配合大灣區的金融發展路向和商機。
  2. 黃敏碩先生——註冊財務策劃師協會會長,著名財經分析師,寶鉅證劵董事及首席投資總監,被不同電子及文字媒體訪問,投資方向精僻。
  3. 梁永忠博士——英國華威大學博士,為超過50家企業提供顧問服務,幫助企業推行有效「企業管冶」策劃,制定持續增長策略和組織轉型變革。在2019及2020年度,分別協助企業客戶獲得香港董事學會的「傑出董事獎」,表楊在推行「企業管冶」上達到高水平的表現。在新施政報告中,企業應該如何對未來發展作出部署呢?讓梁博士為大家分析和建議吧!
  4. 張新彬先生——資深會計師、特許稅務師,名策會計師事務所和名策集團創辦人及集團董事長,香港環境師學會-深圳分會主席。在會計、稅務、私募基金、房地產和餐飲業逾30多年經驗。他會分享會計師在新政策下的商機,會計界應該如何準備?


時間 : 12:30 pm – 14:00 pm

日期: 2020年12月08日 (星期二)

Zoom Meeting Link :

會議ID:869 3957 7568


Language: Cantonese

On line Registration: Click here

Hong Kong Fintech Week – Join Us Virtually From Anywhere

@Hong Kong FinTech Week will be live on 2-6 November 2020! Hear from some of the biggest names in finance and technology across three days of main conference packed with 100+ hours of world class content from 350+ speakers joining globally:

– Ray Dalio, Founder, Co-Chairman & Co-Chief Investment Officer, Bridgewater Associates

– Martin Lau, Executive Director & President, Tencent

– Neil Shen, Steward of Sequoia Capital; Founding & Managing Partner of Sequoia Capital China

– Jessica Tan, Group co-CEO, PING AN Group

– Ray Kurzweil, World Leading Inventor & Futurist

– Jim Rogers, Investment Expert & Author

– Charles Li, CEO, Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (HKEX)


– Noel Quinn, Group Chief Executive, HSBC

– Bill Winters, Group Chief Executive, Standard Chartered Bank

– Anne Richards, CEO, Fidelity International

– Adena Friedman, President & CEO, Nasdaq

– Dr. Kai Fu Lee, Chairman & CEO, Sinovation Ventures (创新工场) Ventures

– Henry Ma, Executive Vice President & Chief Information Officer,


– Calvin Choi, Chairman & CEO, AMTD Group

– Lori Beer, Global CIO, JPMorgan Chase & Co.

Register now:

In its fifth edition, Hong Kong FinTech Week will feature multi-track conferences with prominent speakers, the Global Fast Track Programme, networking opportunities and exciting insights into the latest FinTech trends in the industry.


Get Your Digital Pass here:


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