
Hong Kong FinTech Week is back, 2-6 November 2020!




Do you have innovative FinTech solutions ready for international expansion? Are you considering to scale in Hong Kong and Asia?

@Hong Kong FinTech Week’s Global Fast Track Programme gives B2B FinTech scaleups the exclusive opportunity to access investors and some of the largest corporates in Hong Kong for potential deals!

Selected candidates will have a valuable opportunity to pitch for up to US$ 1 million investment commitment per company. Eligible companies can also apply for Hong Kong government funding support from USD 111,000 up to USD 2.6 million facilitated through @InvestHK.

Companies can pitch their fintech solutions under the following 9 verticals:

  • Trade Finance
  • Capital Markets
  • RegTech
  • Retail Banking
  • Commercial Banking
  • Insurance
  • WealthTech
  • Payments
  • ERP and TradeTech

Apply now to make corporate connections, gain government funding support and Fast Track your success in Hong Kong!

Hosted by @Invest Hong Kong and organised by @FINNOVASIA, Hong Kong FinTech Week will be held from November 2-6. Stay tuned to the website for more!

As a supporting organization, Society of Registered Financial Planners (HKRFP) has been given 10% off HK FinTech Week tickets, please use the code HKRFP10 to register here to take advantage of discount now.

Registration Link:

#InvestHK #FinTechHK #HKFinTechWeek #hongkong #APAC #fintechnews #digital #innovation

HKFTW 2020 trailer – HKFTW 2020 預告片


Latest Developments in Virtual Banks

Topic content:

The arrival of the 8 Virtual Banks in Hong Kong opened up a new era in the banking industry. The seminar will cover the underlying policy framework as well as the new players’ strategies and customer segmentation.  We will look at various Virtual Bank models in Hong Kong and lead towards an in-depth discussion on:

  • forecasting the impacts on the traditional banking industry
  • possible action plans each of the players will undertake as the market transforms and reacts to their presence
  • future trends on banking in Hong Kong


Mr. Raymond CHAN, CFT, FHKRFP  陳頴峯先生

Managing Director of a NASDAQ-listed Leading Chinese Fintech Company

HKU SPACE Part-time Teacher

Time: 18:30 – 20:00

Date: 24 September 2020 (Thursday)

Zoom Meeting  Link: /92455642227

Meeting ID : 92455642227

Language: Cantonese

On line Registration: Click here



Topic content:

「全球化」(Globalization) 劃時代的理論於1983年面世,由Theodore Levitt教授在美國「哈佛商業評論」(Harvard Business Review) 率先發表。 進入二十一 世紀,這名詞仍常常掛在政治人物、商業企業、學者的口邊,「全球化」是未來20年重塑世界的主要趨勢之一。光陰似箭,歲月如梭,三十年後全球百大市值企業盡是跨國企業,他們當時得令的產品或服務,覆蓋了全世畀。「全球化發展」成了企業首席執行官的坐右銘,成功的例子,包括蘋果的 i-Phone、VISA信用咭等。
百大企業中有很多鮮為人知的行業冠軍,他們在極端情況下生產一系列狹隘的產品 ,有時甚至祗有一種產品,持續保持領先地位,不但內銷成功,也非常重視出口,是各自行業的世界領導者,企業的成就同時造就了國家或區域經濟的獨特優勢,低調的作風,往往只有業內人士才知道它們的存在。例子有德彩(Tetra) 的魚糧是水族箱和池塘養殖業的一哥,市佔率是第二名的3.6倍;傑里茨 (Gerriets) 是全球唯一生產舞台布幕的製造商,市佔率是100%。


Mr. Chester CHU 朱維鵬先生

Vice President of Society Financial Planners

President of The Hong Kong Association of Financial Advisors.

Time: 18:30 – 20:00

Date: 24 August 2020 (Monday)

Zoom Meeting  Link:

Meeting ID : 917 7204 9160

Language: Cantonese

On line Registration: Click here



Topic content:



Mr. Michael Wong 黃敏碩先生 -註冊財務策劃師協會會長

Date: 23 June 2020 (Tuesday)

Time: 16:15 – 17:30

Zoom Meeting  Link:

Meeting ID : 827 5426 7592

Language: Cantonese

On line Registration: Click here


獨角獸的陰暗面 Dark Side of Unicorn (II) 之重塑世界的趨勢 Trends that Reshape the World

Topic content:

  • Mckinsey 的四大力量 (Mckinsey Global Institute’s 4 Global Forces)
  • James Canton 的十大趨勢 (Institute of Global Future’s 10 Top Trends)
  • 對中國和香港最有影響的趨勢



Mr. Chester CHU  朱維鵬先生

President of The Hong Kong Association of Financial Advisors

Vice President of Society of registered Financial Planners

Chief Executive Officer of Fruit Tree Group


Date: 1 June 2020 (Monday)

Time: 12:00 – 14:00

Zoom Meeting  Link:

Meeting ID : 857 0377 3024

Language: Cantonese

On line Registration: Click here

支持/協辦: 世界自由工作者聯盟,果樹集團,註冊財務策劃師協會,澳門中小企業聯合會,華人內部審計師公會(ACIA),香港註冊合規師公會(ICO),大灣區工商聯,香港中小企國際聯盟海外投資委員會,香港公民協會中小企委員會,  香港財務顧問協会

2020 金鼠年投資部署分析

Topic content:

  • 金鼠年環球投資資產配置建議 
  • 上半年中港股市走勢預測
  • 新舊經濟股份板塊檢閱剖析
  • 貿戰大選政經因素對後市風險影响


Mr. Michael Wong 黃敏碩先生 -註冊財務策劃師協會會長

Date: 17 February 2020 (Monday)

Time: 19:00 – 21:00

Venue: H6 Multi Function Room B, E,  & F Ground Floor The Center, 99 Queen’s Road Central, Hong Kong.

Language: Cantonese

Fee: HKRFP members – free.

Supporting Organization members $100

Non-members $300

On line Registration: Click here


Topic content:

  1. 解讀”惠港16條” 對港人的影響
  2. 近15年粵港澳大灣區的房地產發展
  3. 大灣區未來發展投資機遇

Speaker: 曹景昌先生 – 盈達昌控股有限公司主席

Date: 7 January 2020 (Tuesday)

Time: 19:00 – 21:00

Venue: H6 Multi Function Room, C and D, Ground Floor The Center, 99 Queen’s Road Central, Hong Kong.

Language: Cantonese

Fee: HKRFP members – free.

Supporting Organization members $100

Non-members $300

On line Registration: Click here

OUHK 30th Anniversary Banquet

OUHK 30th Anniversary Banquet

Date : 5 December 2019 (Thursday)

Venue : Grand Hall, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre

Organizer : The Open University of Hong Kong

Representative: Mr.Stephen Ho (Chief Executive of HKRFP)


2019 Hong Kong Fintech Week

Date : 4 November 2019 (Monday) to 8 November 2019

Venue : Hong Kong – Shenzhen

Organizer :  Finnovasia

Representative:  Mr. Michael Wong (President of HKRFP) , Mr. Michael Fan (Vice President of HKRFP), Mr. Gerard Chung (Vice President of HKRFP), Mr. Simson Ho (Hon. Secretary of HKRFP), Mr.Stephen Ho (Chief Executive of HKRFP)