Increase Profit via Effective Cost Management

Speaker :

Richard C H Wong, a career cost reduction professional, works for a number of large corporations in the financial, telecommunications and manufacturing sectors in charge of cost reduction programmes, prior to his cost reduction consultancy practices. With a deep understanding of how resistance can affect changes, he is a guru in cost reduction with many successful track records.

Richard speaks for senior executive forums on cost reduction, active on operational research and is author of eBook, Cost Reduction: Turn Cost Into Profit (

Topic content:

1. How to formulate the cost reduction model.

2. How to organize and get started

3. Where to focus

4. Why you should review your overhead cost regularly

5. How to adjust your cost policies

6. How to manage cost reduction

Date: 10 February 2022 (Thursday)

Time: 18:30 – 20:30

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會議 ID:865 7786 3696

Language: Cantonese

Fee : Free

On line Registration: Click here

Posted in Seminars.