The Cyberport Venture Capital Forum (CVCF)

The Cyberport Venture Capital Forum (CVCF) will return on 2 – 3 November 2021 to decode the reinvented tech and venture ecosystem, where global venture experts and entrepreneurial leaders will offer actionable insights on the latest fundraising strategies, market dynamics and value creation to capture investor appetite and stay ahead of the pack in times of great change.

Book now to enjoy Super-Saver offer (discount code: cvcfsupp) to register for the “Exhibitor Plus” with the exclusive access to:

  • Physical/virtual on 2-3 Nov+ event platform during mid-Oct to late-Nov
  • Investor Matching (online + onsite)
  • Branded virtual booth @Innovator Showcase
  • Short project demo video streaming @Founder Stage
  • Souvenir pack & dining voucher

Register NOW! More ticket options available.


Posted in Seminars.