Latest Developments in Virtual Banks

Topic content:

The arrival of the 8 Virtual Banks in Hong Kong opened up a new era in the banking industry. The seminar will cover the underlying policy framework as well as the new players’ strategies and customer segmentation.  We will look at various Virtual Bank models in Hong Kong and lead towards an in-depth discussion on:

  • forecasting the impacts on the traditional banking industry
  • possible action plans each of the players will undertake as the market transforms and reacts to their presence
  • future trends on banking in Hong Kong


Mr. Raymond CHAN, CFT, FHKRFP  陳頴峯先生

Managing Director of a NASDAQ-listed Leading Chinese Fintech Company

HKU SPACE Part-time Teacher

Time: 18:30 – 20:00

Date: 24 September 2020 (Thursday)

Zoom Meeting  Link: /92455642227

Meeting ID : 92455642227

Language: Cantonese

On line Registration: Click here


Posted in Seminars.