投資新方向 – 另類資產管理及私募投資

Speaker :

Mr. Nick Wong 王浩然先生 – Altive安投管理合夥人


Topic content:

1) 什麼是另類投資及私募投資? 詳細解說多項私募項目包括私募股權、私募債、獨角獸股份及實物資產等等
2) 分享另類資產投資的最新趨勢和機遇。中央政府最近的政策將如何重塑中國公司的私募股權市場?
3) 亞洲的私人財富及私人銀行對另類及私募投資有多大興趣嗎?Altive 安投如何幫助私人財富及私銀參與

Date:30 November 2021 (Tuesday)

Time: 19:00 – 20:30

Venue: Unit 4612 -13, 46/F., The Center, 99 Queen’s Road Central, Hong Kong.

Language: Cantonese

Fee: HKRFP members – free.

Supporting Organization members $100

Non-members $300

On line Registration: Click here

2nd Webinar – Enhancing Hong Kong finance and accounting professionals’ standards and competitiveness in relation to Hong Kong domiciled funds

Dashun Foundation – Reinforcing Hong Kong Auditors and Company Secretaries’ Knowledge of the Open-ended Funder Companies Regime (“OFC regime”). HKRFP is one of the supporting organization.

For further information, please click the link below to register for the online seminar:


2021 Hong Kong Fintech Week

Date: 4 November 2021 (Thursday)

Venue: Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, 1 Expo Drive, Wan Chai

Organizers:  Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau, InvestHK, FintechHK

Appointed Event Organiser: Finnovasia,

Representative:  Mr. Michael Wong (President of HKRFP), Mr. Stephen Ho (Chief Executive of HKRFP)

2021 CUHK Conference on Financial Technology

Date : 2 November 2021 (Tuesday)

Venue: N101, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, 1 Expo Drive, Wan Chai

Organizer:   Faculty of Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK)

Representative:  Mr. Michael Wong (President of HKRFP), Mr. Stephen Ho (Chief Executive of HKRFP)


Speaker :
丁兆麟博士 – 名唐展覽集團總經理,創新及數字代轉型及香港理工大學客座助理教授
梁偉健先生 – Aereve 首席固行官
尹世全博士 – 香港上海匯豐銀行 前全球首席顧問、培訓師及企業教練及城市大學EMBA特約教授
秦仲宇先生 – 智慧城市聯盟副會長及 FufaLABS Venture Partner 合夥人

Compere :
黃敏碩先生 – 註冊財務策劃師協會會長
陳家豪先生 – 雲端與流動運算專業人士協會會長及城市大學EMBA 特約教授

Topic content:
疫情改變了社會對科技應用的態度。 雖然社會一開始接受電子支付、網上營銷但卻產生一系列如團隊管理、遙距辦公的保險及數據安全等問題。一些大企業對員工的疫後培訓案例也不乏可讓中小企參考的重點。加上數字貨幣、數字化資產逐步走向主流化,傳統行業將會面對更多機遇及挑戰。
由註冊財務策劃師協會主辦、雲端與流動運算專業人士協會 (ACMCP) 協辦的「後疫情財富管理和數碼營商經驗分享」,邀請來自不同領域的專家,詳細分析疫情後數碼轉型的新趨勢,並分享從小組主管甚至需要面對營商環境數碼化而改變的個別人士均能應用的實戰要訣。

Date: 4 November 2021 (Thursday)

Time: 18:30 – 21:00

Venue: H6 Multi Function Room, A, C and D, Ground Floor The Center, 99 Queen’s Road Central, Hong Kong.

Language: Cantonese

Fee: HKRFP members – free.

Supporting Organization members $100

Non-members $300

On line Registration: Click here


投資新方向 – 另類資產管理及私募投資

Speaker :

Mr. Nick Wong 王浩然先生 – Altive安投管理合夥人


Topic content:

1) 什麼是另類投資及私募投資? 詳細解說多項私募項目包括私募股權、私募債、獨角獸股份及實物資產等等
2) 分享另類資產投資的最新趨勢和機遇。中央政府最近的政策將如何重塑中國公司的私募股權市場?
3) 亞洲的私人財富及私人銀行對另類及私募投資有多大興趣嗎?Altive 安投如何幫助私人財富及私銀參與

Date:12 October 2021 (Tuesday)

Time: 19:00 – 20:30

Venue: Unit 4612 -13, 46/F., The Center, 99 Queen’s Road Central, Hong Kong.

Language: Cantonese

Fee: HKRFP members – free.

Supporting Organization members $100

Non-members $300

On line Registration: Click here



The Cyberport Venture Capital Forum (CVCF)

The Cyberport Venture Capital Forum (CVCF) will return on 2 – 3 November 2021 to decode the reinvented tech and venture ecosystem, where global venture experts and entrepreneurial leaders will offer actionable insights on the latest fundraising strategies, market dynamics and value creation to capture investor appetite and stay ahead of the pack in times of great change.

Book now to enjoy Super-Saver offer (discount code: cvcfsupp) to register for the “Exhibitor Plus” with the exclusive access to:

  • Physical/virtual on 2-3 Nov+ event platform during mid-Oct to late-Nov
  • Investor Matching (online + onsite)
  • Branded virtual booth @Innovator Showcase
  • Short project demo video streaming @Founder Stage
  • Souvenir pack & dining voucher

Register NOW! More ticket options available.

Details: https://cvcf.cyberport.hk/

Social Enterprise Summit 2021: Join Us to Reimagine a Regenerative Future

2021 is a year of challenges and opportunities. Movement restrictions has seen a digitalising world that facilitates collaboration with like-minded beyond geographical boundaries. ‘Shopping local’ and ‘buying ethical’ are becoming consumer mantras. Themed “Building Blocks of a Regenerative Future”, Social Enterprise Summit 2021 scheduled on 4-7 November will gather over 60 top international and local speakers to reimagine a possible future that is inclusive, regenerative, serving to restore in multiple dimensions. Join us in the 4-day symposium with a mix of physical sessions, online plenaries, workshops and networking events to connect and innovate. Register for your interested sessions now.

Check out SES website for details and registration. Early-bird offer for International Symposium Pass at $400 (Original: $500) is available by 15 October.